How much does shipping cost?

The shipping cost for your order is determined by the weight of the package and its destination. Follow these steps to determine the shipping cost:

  1. Load up your cart with all the musical treasures you desire.
  2. Make your way to the checkout screen, where the magic happens.
  3. Input your shipping address and include your country in the shipping address box.
  4. Add your country and province/state in the billing address box.
  5. The total on the bottom right of the screen will instantly update, revealing any applicable taxes and shipping costs!

If your order totals $150 or more, we've got your back with FREE shipping. That's right, no extra cost to get those musical treasures delivered right to your doorstep!

For orders below $150, we've got a sweet flat-rate shipping deal waiting for you. Within the USA/Canada, shipping starts at just $5. And for all you global rockstars out there, international shipping starts at $9. The exact shipping cost will depend on the weight of your package and the destination it's headed to.

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